quick update
We finished at the farm. It was a great experience. It was rejuvenating to be outside. I also learned a ton about growing vegetables. It gave me a good foundation and reference point for possible future endeavors.
After the farming we loaded up our new mini-van and headed to Colorado. We have been in Colorado for a few days and are currently at MTI attending the DAR program. After MTI we head to Fort Collins. We are looking forward to seeing old friends and ministry partners in the Fort.
So far the trip has gone well. I think our reverse culture shock kicked in a bit more since leaving rural Michigan and entering urban Denver. We had forgotten about the traffic and urban sprawl of Denver.
As for the Mines of Moria.... I think what it is coming down to is trusting my nose. (I will let you ponder the meaning of that...)
Verse of the hour/week/month - James 1:2-8
You must be smelling Greeley!
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